Liminal x Saffiros Pop Up | Liminal Trading Co.


July 14th, 2023, in the small, forest tucked city of Fairfax, California. It must’ve been at least 90 degrees out, and we were about to begin setting up the event.

We pulled up to the Women’s Club around 3 PM. The event was due to begin in one hour. Typically this would not be enough time to facilitate the setup of such an event, and we were well aware of this, but these were the circumstances we were made to accomodate, so we persisted. You know, townie bureaucracy and all.

After transporting multiple folding tables, cardboard boxes of shirts, mannequins, a desktop computer, and an ID printing machine inside, our unpaid interns began to feel sweaty and tired. We provided them with complimentary Red Bulls to keep staff morale high; no worries here.

To counter the heat, we opened every door and window, and we commandeered any fans we could find. This eventually led to the arrival of a neighbor—a golden retriever-walking, Ray-Ban-wearing, hairline-receding individual in possession of a decibel monitoring device—who filed a noise complaint with the local police department. We clocked in at a whopping 62dB. He claimed the legal limit was 55. Nothing came of this besides a moderately-heated verbal argument between him and a juvenile showgoer.

Once the event began, we were relieved to see friends and even strangers entering the building. Some highlights of the event were Petra and Milk for the Angry’s live music performances, fittingly described by one elderly English patron as “loud as fuck, but brilliant”, our clothing booth consisting of Taki and lotto scratcher branded t-shirts, the Siliclones booth introducing the world to the joy and terror of the world’s newest sentient lifeform, and finally our Identity Overhaul station where in the click of a button you could become the new being you’ve always wanted to be.

Overall, it was an amazingly successful foray for my brother and I into the world of planning and creating an immersive event, and we extend our gratitude to each and every one of you for attending to and supporting our strange ambitions.

We couldn’t have done it without our amazing behind the scenes crew and staff.  
We also couldn’t have done it without the invaluable assistance from Zoltron and Saffiros and I’s very own jointly shared mom.

We have a feeling this won’t be the last time you’ll see our pop up, next time possibly even coming to a city near you…